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Anderson County Schools

Statement from Sheila Mitchell, Superintendent of Anderson County Schools
I have become aware of a video posted on Ballard Baptist Church's Facebook page alleging many accusations.  I have been asked to provide a statement regarding this video and the content of it. FERPA rights of students and privacy rights of staff do not allow me, as superintendent, to discuss preliminary details, confirm or deny publicly made accusations, content or the outcome of the investigation unless the parents of the student sign a release for me to openly discuss this matter publicly.  However, I believe it is equally as important to share that Anderson County School investigations, including the one referenced in the posted video,  have legal processes in place that are followed, procedures that take place based on the results of the outcome of the investigation, attorneys that are consulted to ensure proper actions are taken consistent with board policy, professional ethics, as well as state and federal laws.  If the parents sign a release for me to respond publicly, I will provide an updated release with additional information.
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Anderson County Schools    1160 Bypass North    Lawrenceburg, KY 40342    502-839-3406
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The Anderson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Anderson County Title IX Coordinator, Travis Harley. He may be contacted at the district office, located at 1160 Bypass N. Lawrenceburg, KY 40342; by phone at 502-839-3406 or by email at [email protected]
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