The Importance of Communication
There are lots of reasons that parents can have to talk to their child's teacher. Some of those reasons can be negative, such as bad grades, conflicts between students, dissatisfaction with classroom policies or practices...the list can go on and on. One room with one adult and twenty-two children is going to have conflict from time to time. The key to solving these issues is early communication. Please do not hesitate to let me know if something is on your mind. I can't fix problems I am unaware of. I am actually pretty easy to work with and I will be more than willing to listen to any concerns and work with you to find a resolution.
Also, there may be things that happen at home that will affect your child's day at school. I need to be aware of these things so that I can understand changes in behavior and work habits. If your family is dealing with things such as serious illness or death of a loved one, loss of employment, separation or divorce, even the loss of a pet - it is very helpful for me to be aware. Please understand that I love your child very much and want school to be a safe place both physically and emotionally.
Call Me:
If you need to speak to me during the day, call the school at 839-2500. If it is urgent, ask Ms. Jayne to direct your call to the classroom right away. If it is something that can wait, I would appreciate that you leave the message with Ms. Jayne or ask her to give me a message to call you when I am not teaching class. If you need to speak to me after school hours, you are welcome to call or text me on my cell phone at 502-680-1685.
E-Mail Me:
[email protected]
Schedule an Appointment:
If you want to meet with me, please call beforehand. I often have meetings during my planning time and after school is unpredictable with my own children and their schedules. I am more than happy to set up a time when I know I will be available and we can sit down and talk uninterrupted.