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Back to School Letter

July 22, 2015

Summer Greetings, Bearcats!

We are preparing for your arrival back to school on Wednesday, August 12! To ensure a successful 2015-16 academic year and school opening, we have some important information to share with you and your parents:

Students will be required to pay a $50.00 instructional fee, which will be utilized to purchase instructional materials and student technology. Students who are approved for free/reduced lunch will not pay the instructional fee. F/R lunch forms will be distributed to all students on the first day of school. Most textbooks are issued to students through the Media Center; students are required to pay for any lost or damaged books. Some classes only have class sets for textbooks. In those classes, students may check out a textbook with their teacher, if needed for classwork purposes; those textbooks will need to be returned the next day. Students may also need to pay individual class fees for materials such as art or consumer science supplies that will be used in instructional projects.

Parking passes will be available to students on July 29 and 30 from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the East Wing office, and on August 6, from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the main office. To receive a parking pass, students will need the following: the ACHS parking registration form including parent signature, $10.00, proof of insurance, vehicle registration, and their driver’s license. This year, students will park in the designated student parking areas (Lots A & C) - first come, first serve. There will not be assigned spots.

Enclosed you will find the ACHS Parking Plan, including parent pick-up and drop-off information. Visitors shall park in the vacant spaces in Lot B, in front of the main building. Please do not park in the fire lanes or bus lanes in front of the buildings at anytime.

Each student will be issued a student handbook the first day of school. The handbook includes pertinent student information including ACHS policies; all students are responsible for knowing and following policies and procedures outlined in the student handbook and code of conduct. This year, the student handbook will also serve as an agenda book and hall pass for students, so they should bring it to school each day. Students and parents will be responsible for signing a handbook receipt form, demonstrating the receiving of this information and complying of the policies, for example, the Acceptable Use Policy for student use of electronics. Students will still be allowed to register personally-owned electronic devices with the district. All devices must be used in compliance with ACHS SBDM policy.

We have included a student verification sheet that needs to be signed and returned on the first day of school. It is imperative that this information be updated for each student. All students will continue to check in and/or out through the main office. Anyone listed on emergency contact list will be able to check out the student; ACHS will follow-up with an attempted courtesy call to parent in this case. Please remember that during a crisis or evacuation, only a student’s parent or legal guardian may check out a student.

All students will receive their schedules on the first day of school. Students who had problem areas with the schedules they received in the spring may come to the guidance office on July 29 or 30, or August 3 or 4 for schedule consultations. Any changes will be based on master schedule openings, initial student requests, and required coursework. There will be NO schedule changes after school begins per SBDM policy. Early College/BCTC/AP students may contact Mrs. Wells, to discuss issues, and set up an appointment if they have questions or concerns regarding their schedules. See our school website for additional information.

As a reminder, Bearcat Welcome festivities for incoming freshmen will begin Thursday, August 6, at T.I.P.S. Registration for students and parents starts at 6:00 p.m. If you have questions, please contact Mr. White at 839-5118.

Other than ninth grade students, whose lockers have built-in combination locks, all ACHS students will be required to use a lock (used $4 and new $8). Locks other than those purchased at ACHS will be removed. Students may keep and use the same lock each year. Students are responsible for the contents of their lockers. Parents, protect your child by requiring the use of a lock at all times!

Calculators are an important instructional resource for students, specifically, but not limited to math curriculum. While many smart phones may include downloadable applications for calculators, they are not allowed for use on state or national testing like the ACT. Please use the enclosed calculator information to prepare your student for academic success.

ACHS has chosen to use Study Island as an academic resource to further enhance their instruction. Study Island can be utilized to reinforce classroom content as well as to assist in their preparation for standardized testing such as their ACT and AP exams. Students will receive their usernames and passwords from their Schools Within Our School Academy room teachers. This is a FREE resource for all ACHS students. If you have questions or would like more information before school begins, you may contact Mr. White.

ACHS regularly shares school updates, news, and information on our website, as well using Facebook, Twitter, Remind 101, and One Call. We encourage you to peruse the site and continue to include your e-mail address on the student verification sheet as an avenue of communication for teachers. If you have not already done so, contact Central Office to receive your Infinite Campus log-in to view your child’s attendance and grades on parent portal. Also-- if you would like to be sent the ACHS weekly email update from our guidance office, contact [email protected].

On the first day of school, students will report to their Schools Within Our School Academy rooms. There are three ways they can check to see which room they will need to report to: 1). check lists in common areas upon entering the school on the first day, 2). check their schedule on portal on August 11th or 3). check the school website SWS Academy grade-level list on August 11th.

We look forward to having your student at ACHS this year and hope you and your son or daughter will participate in the vast activities that we offer. Go BEARCATS!!


ACHS Faculty, Staff, and Administration